Well today I ventured to the Mayfair branch library. Talk about a tiny library! I can't believe how itsy bitsy this place was!
When I first walked in, to my right was about 3 computers and then the circulation desk. To the left was a small reading area - about 3 chairs and 4, count 'em 4 shelves of library fiction books... Yikes! And don't even get me started on the lack of Fanasy/Science Fiction section! :) At the very back is the non-fiction, and there is a children's section including a reading toom.
Even though the size of the branch is small, as well as the selection, it's still functional. Obviously when you can request any book you want in the whole province, just having someplace closer to your home to pick it up is convenient.
I really wish I had more to say about the Mayfair branch, but when it's so small, there's not a whole lot to say. Can't get lost in there, that's for sure! :)
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